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My Account
"My Account" is the section to configure all settings for your email service and or get access to your email clicking on "Webmail" at the top right corner of your screen.
The "Home" screen provides you general information about the latest features, a quick link to the support area and also an option to provide feedback to us.
"See What's New" offers details about the most recent feature enhancements.
"Go to Support" connects you to our extensive support page, featuring live search and EVA, our Everymail Virtual Assistant.
"Give Feedback" allows you to effortlessly share your thoughts with us. We review every piece of feedback!
Mailbox Manager
In the My Account "Mailbox Manager" section, you can modify your mailbox settings and add or remove mailboxes.
Add Mailbox
To create a new mailbox, simply click the "Add Mailbox" button. You will need to complete all required fields. At the bottom of the dialog, there is an option to assign the Admin Role to this new mailbox.
Important Note: Only those with the Admin Role can configure the email addresses of this account and contact personal support through the support channel/widget.
Change Mailbox Settings for an Existing Email Address
If you have multiple email addresses set up in this account, you can locate your email address by using the "Search Mailbox" feature. To access the email address settings, click on the email address you wish to review or modify. You will then see additional configuration options for:
- "Edit Details"
- "Manage Aliases"
- "Change Password"
- "Deactivate Mailbox"
Simply click on the section where you want to make changes.
You will also see an overview of the configured aliases for this mailbox.
You can also choose "Delete Mailbox" to permanently remove all content for your selected mailbox.
Important note!
Assign "Admin Role" to a mailbox to allow directly advanced support access via support widget.
If you have set up multiple email addresses here, you can assign the admin role to any of them. By default, this option is disabled, and you must enable it to provide those users with direct Advanced support. To enable it, follow these steps:
- Navigate to "Edit details" for the chosen mailbox
- Turn on "assign the Admin Role to this mailbox"
- Click the "save" button
If you have only one mailbox setup, then this setting is per default enabled.
In My Account section "Subscriptions" you can see your details of your subscription of the email service.
It shows:
- Amount of mailboxes
- price per subscription period
- Renewal date
Payment Methods
In My Account "Payment Methods" section, you can manage your chosen payment options. To view or edit them, simply click the "View/edit Payment Methods" button.
A smaller window will appear, allowing you to manage your payment methods.
This is where you could add a recommended backup credit card. If your primary/current card payment fails, the secondary/backup card will be charged automatically.
If your primary credit card is approaching its expiration date, will send you email reminders to change credit card before the next subscription period begins.
Account Security
In My Account - Account Security section section, you are handling the details for Account Recovery.
This may include:
- An alternative email address
- A cell phone number
We will utilize this information to send you a password reset link if you forget your password.
Billing Information
In My Account - Billing Information section, you can update your billing information details.
The required information includes:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Country
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip code
- Email address for receiving your billing information
Be sure to click "Save Changes" to apply the updated details.
Payment History
In My Account - Payment History section, you can view all your invoices. You will find:
- Invoice date
- Invoice number
- Subscribed plan
- Total amount
On the right side of each line, there is a download option. By clicking "download," the selected invoice will be saved to your download folder.
Support articles related to the 'My Account' section are accessible only after logging in to your Everymail account. These articles address issues specific to the 'My Account' area and are not applicable to customers who do not yet have an Everymail account.